วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 12 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

spartarcus (1960)

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From 73 - 71 B.C.E., Spartacus led a revolt by escaped slaves that shook the foundations of the Roman Empire. This movie is a fictionalized account of that rebellion. The film successfully captures the sense of the time, the brutality of a gladiator's life, the hard lot of the Roman slaves, and the decadence of the Roman ruling class. It presents the most important slave revolt in Roman history in a way that children will remember.

Slavery was brutal and degrading for most Roman slaves. Many were prisoners of war. The children of these prisoners were slaves for life. Most slaves worked on the land or in the houses of the wealthy as domestic servants. They were considered expendable and little better than cattle or oxen. However, when slaves received manumission they became full Roman citizens. Former slaves with superior abilities could do well under the Roman system.

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